Saturday, January 8, 2011

Pretty Silver Things

Some people are just more comfortable
with Halloween than others

"Pretty Silver Things ! " the lyrical voice of my friend Donna would sing over the din of a crowded summer sidewalk at Pike.  Outside slab number 5.  Early in the season before my favorite spot would open up further down the line, I would count myself lucky to be next to her on number 4.  We would always find something to chitter chatter about, even if it was just in passing as we would get ready to set up our shops at opposite ends of the market for the day.  Most of the chatter centered on our health. Our diabetes. What we did right.  What we did wrong.  What the heck were we doing right or wrong 'cause the trying to figure it out would make us both crazy.

Her grey bob was a gentle frame for her warm, softly wrinkled and round face.  I loved the way she dressed.  Stylishly comfortable with a colorful flare of youth.  In conversations we nearly always came up to the same conclusions.  I respected her opinions and guidance in things great and small.  A sounding board that I was comfortable bouncing just about anything off of knowing that I would receive a thoughtful response and discussion if desired.  Spiritual, thoughtful, positive and supportive.  Funny with a lovely laugh on a naturally smiling face.  "Pretty silver things !"   Donna, you will be missed.